Sunday, January 23, 2005


Good Posture
Using Good Posture Enables:
1)Efficient use of the body 2) Good circulation
Maximum mechanical advantage for tasks
Reduction in fatigue
Good Posture is obtained from:
1)Proper Body Positioning 2) Proper Chair Adjustment

Chair and Body Position Guidelines
Follow these guidelines for chair adjustment and body position:
The head, shoulders and hips should be aligned (not twisted)
Sit up Straight with your back supported
Your back should be snug against the seat back or support cushion fitting your spinal contour
This reduces stress on the spinal column
It also prevents crowding of internal organs
Shoulders should be relaxed (not lifted up)
Uppers Arms should be relaxed and at your side
Forearms are parallel to the floor as they extend to the keyboard
Wrists should be straight - fingers in natural, neutral positions
Chair Seat - supports thighs evenly without excessive pressure on the back of the thighs or calves
Feet are flat on the floor or foot rest
In addition:
Avoid sitting static for long periods of time (take frequent breaks to stretch)
Consider your range of reach:
Keep heavy items closer
Lighter items further away

Stretching Exercises at Work
Stretching and Exercise can:
Relax Tight Muscles
Improve Circulation
Improve Flexibility
Increase Strength and Stamina
Increase Energy Levels
Increase Resistance to Illness
Decrease the Time to Recover from Illness
While performing stretches and exercise at work:
Remember to breath
Stretch gently
Go easy at first
Develop at routine
Stop if pain occurs

Chair and Body Position Guidelines
Follow these guidelines for chair adjustment and body position:
The head, shoulders and hips should be aligned (not twisted)
Sit up Straight with your back supported
Your back should be snug against the seat back or support cushion fitting your spinal contour
This reduces stress on the spinal column
It also prevents crowding of internal organs
Shoulders should be relaxed (not lifted up)
Uppers Arms should be relaxed and at your side
Forearms are parallel to the floor as they extend to the keyboard
Wrists should be straight - fingers in natural, neutral positions
Chair Seat - supports thighs evenly without excessive pressure on the back of the thighs or calves
Feet are flat on the floor or foot rest
In addition:
Avoid sitting static for long periods of time (take frequent breaks to stretch)
Consider your range of reach:
Keep heavy items closer
Lighter items further away


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